Ah yes, London is a whole world in itself. Just like there are certain things everyone learns once they move to London, there are some things that only people living in London will truly understand.
We wanted to know exactly what those things are, so we asked our readers the question… and boy, did they deliver. Without further ado, here are our Instagram and Facebook followers’ best responses.
“Tell me you’re from London without telling me you’re from London.”
1. What zone do you live in?
2. “You alright?”
Well, are you? It’s fair question.
3. See it, say it, sorted
Amen, amen, amen.
4. Mind the gap!
5. Running for the train even if the next one is 3 minutes away
London maths. It’s the only correct logic.
6. “Tired of being Tired? Floradix”
7. I walk faster than I run
If that ain’t the truth…
8. Refusing to go north/south of the river
9. Changing at Bank station
The horror…The horror…
10. Tower Bridge is not London Bridge
11. Glaring furiously at people standing on the wrong side of the escalators, but not saying anything
A whirlpool of fury is gathering within me and it is growing and growing and growling.
12. £12 for a cocktail is reasonable
Cries in bank balance.
13. “Innit”
14. Oyster in my hand before I reach the ticketing machine
What’s wrong with being prepared?
15. My rent is 70% of my income
Please let it stop. Now. Right now.
16. Living and breathing Citymapper
If you don’t know, get to know.
17. “Your account balance is £4.65”
18. Literally checking the weather 4 times a day
Will it snow this winter?
19. I know how to pronounce Holborn, Marylebone, Plaistow and Ruislip
20. It’s only 23 degrees and people look like baked lobsters
It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.
21. I’m always trying to go to sold-out exhibitions
22. Hoping the text sends when the train is stationary
23. I stand on the right and walk on the left
24. I’ve never spoken to my neighbours although I’ve lived in the same place for almost 10 years
Um, obviously?
25. “It’s midnight, let’s get a curry!”
Why the hell wouldn’t you?
26. Saying “know what I mean” at the end of every sentence… know what I mean?
But do you though?
27. Your face being squashed into someone’s armpit on the Tube after a 12 hour shift
28. I think spending £20 whenever you leave the house is normal
Reasonable, no?
29. “I hate people”
30. I don’t know what’s higher, the pollen count or rent prices
It’s about to hit us real hard…
31. *rolling eyes while hatefully judging tourists queueing at the Tube gates*
32. I know where to stand on the platform to be right by the door
33. Groans at a 4-minute wait for anything
34. Always saying sorry when it wasn’t your fault
How do you not do this?
35. Sleeping on the Northern line and waking up at Morden
The far-out depths.
36. People from at least 50 different nations on one train
We wouldn’t want it any other way ❤️
37. “Good service on all other lines”
38. Sometimes it’s faster to walk than to get a bus
39. “Who wants a tea?”
Is that even a question? Put the flippin’ kettle on.
40. Never pushing the open buttons on the Tube doors!
41. Oops, I forgot my umbrella at home
42. Fish and Chips
That is all.
43. I outwards despise but secretly love where I live
…don’t we all? ❤️