There’s nothing like live-carving a sculpture slap-bang in the middle of central London to put a bit of pressure on yourself. And guess what? Renowned sculptor, Pablo Damian Cristi, is currently doing exactly that.
The sculpture in question (‘The Third Christ Carrying the Cross Giustiniani’) was unveiled back in November in its then-current state, marking the start of Cristi’s two-month residency at the Royal Exchange. Since then, he has been chiseling away underneath the pillars, live for all to see. Pretty brave, hey?
This exciting public event is in collaboration with Red Eight Gallery and has transformed the Royal Exchange from a historical London landmark into a vibrant artistic hub; giving the London public a truly unique opportunity to witness a piece of art-history in the making.
This historic sculpture was commissioned by Prince Jérôme Luc Moneglia d’Giustiniani. It will be the third in a series of sculptures owned by the Giustiniani family – the two original works having been completed by Michelangelo half a millennium ago.
The marble sculpture will tour the world as Pablo carves live for the public, before being united with the two Michelangelo sculptures in Italy. ‘The Third Christ Carrying the Cross Giustiniani’ will be distinguished by this 500-year generational link and the revival of the forgotten art form of marble carving; bridging the gap between old and new.

Cristi’s residency will give Londoners a peek behind the curtain of the creative process. The public will be able to witness first-hand the artist’s emotion and resilience, creating a profound connection between the audience, the artwork, and it’s creator.
The dynamic collaboration with Red Eight Gallery also features an exciting exhibition of Cristi’s work within the Royal Exchange. The display will showcase various sculptures and an installation of the Carrara marble quarry that brings his artistic vision to life.
The live carving will be taking place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10am – 12pm and 2pm – 4pm throughout December.
Find out more and plan your visit here.