Everyone’s favourite 90’s sitcom is getting a reboot – and it’s going to be a lot darker than the original… For anyone out there who’s inexplicably never encountered the show, The Fre...
Unleash your inner film buff at Boxpark Film Club, in both Shoreditch and Wembley. Boxparks Shoreditch and Wembley are each hosting a film club throughout August and September, and it’s not one you’ll want t...
SoulCycle is the spin class that will target more than just your body. If, like me, lockdown saw a decline in your desire to workout (or even move for that matter), you may be on the lookout for new and exciting ways to...
Come From Away will be coming to a big-screen near you! Due to Covid-19 and the madness that is 2020, the majority of West End productions have been forced to close indefinitely. The award-winning musical Come From Away...
Getting withdrawal symptoms from not being able to travel? Feeling blue about the lack of holidays in your calendar? You’re not alone. It is safe to say that Covid-19 has ruined more than just our travel plans, bu...