Alexandra Palace is lighting its mast blue to show support for NHS workers.
In times of war, Alexandra Palace was used as a shelter for refugees, later an internment camp and then a staging area for troops returning home from Dunkirk. Since then, it has brought forth the latest products and technologies as well as having evolved into an iconic gig venue showcasing some of Britain’s and the world’s best performers.
Nonetheless and despite the forced closure as a result of the coronavirus, Alexandra Palace has thrown its support behind the NHS and all of its workers by lighting up their mast blue. It’s a small action in comparison to the hard work and effort being put in by staff, doctors, GPs and nurses, but every little gesture goes a long way in these troubling times.
Similar to the #clapforourcarers campaign doing the rounds on social media, which will hopefully result in mass applause on Thursday evening, Ally Pally’s blue mast intends to unite all Britons to show support and thanks to our friends and family members, and everyone else who is battling on the front lines across the country.
Don’t forget to get out onto your balconies, your gardens, or lean out of your windows on Thursday, March 26 at 8pm to applaud NHS workers across the UK.
See also: the Wembley arch will light up blue each night to show appreciation for NHS staff.