‘We Are Together’ appears every hour.
The Piccadilly billboards have hosted messages from Sir Tom Moore and the Queen since lockdown began, and now a lovely new artwork has arrived to brighten up Piccadilly Circus whilst raising money for a vital charity. ‘We Are Together’ is a hopeful artwork from Hackney artist STIK, which depicts stick figures holding hands as a message to support young people during the coronavirus outbreak.
The artwork is part of Young Westminster Foundation’s campaign to raise funds to ensure that young people living in Westminster can get access to education, youth services, and family support. With one in three young people in the borough growing up in poverty, and many lacking access to the Internet, the charity is doing absolutely vital work to aid young Londoners in need.
Hand-holding figures promote “a beacon of hope and connectedness with the rest of the world”, an ideal made much easier by convenient access to the Internet. The hope is that ‘We Are Together’ can raise both awareness and funds, and you’ll be able to do both here. In the meantime, the artwork will appear every twenty minutes past the hour, so if your socially-distanced wanders take you to Piccadilly, keep your eyes peeled!