Okay, it’s been said (more than) a few times. But NOW it is Christmas. The 77th Christmas tree gifted to us by the good people of Norway has arrived at its station, ready to be switched on and light up Trafalgar Square this Thursday. Before we get any of that though, there comes the in-between period – the stage where the poor Norweigian Spruce, which has travelled for days through bumpy roads and chilly conditions, takes a hell of a roasting online.
In the spirit of Christmas and all, it does receive a pile on for how it looks pre-lighting, and in recent years an account has even been made where the ‘tree’ defends itself by clapping back to the mean commenters online.
Anyway, it’s here now, so you can be sure to find the comments around the internet giving it a bit of a kicking – come on guys: it has just travelled hundreds of miles. It looked a bit worse for wear when taken out of the transportation, but it’s looking in a far fitter spring of health now it’s standing tall ready for the lights.
Instantly announcing its return in style to annoy the haters, the tree said: “Guess who’s back? Now, before the haters start commenting on my branches, I have had 10 days of beauty sleep – who wouldn’t look a bit flat after that kind of travel, but don’t fret; it’ll fluff up and shine just in time for my big moment. Are yule coming to see me!?”
Other accounts however, haven’t been so nice, with one account saying “Going to take a lot of fluffing to hide all those dead branches. Just saying,” another writing “Hopefully it looks better when up” and one writing “People are criticising a tree? Jeez.”
Many accounts reminded users that the tree is, in fact, a free gift from Norway, and this marks the 77th year of the tradition, which serves as a thank you to Britain’s World War II efforts. One user also wrote “Don’t know why people have to be so negative. You are a wonderful gift” to which the tree account replied, “YAAAS QUEEN – you are tree-mendously wonderful too!” And if that’s not what Christmas is all about, I don’t know what is…
While it may go through some growing pain before going up, it’s a fantastic gift and we wouldn’t change anything about it, even if some ribbing does happen every year.
The spruce arrived from Norway’s Nordmarka Forest yesterday (December 2) after setting off last week, and all 66ft of it stands tall at Trafalgar Square, ready to be lit up this Thursday (December 5).