When November becomes December each year, you might notice a certain (quite one-sided) debate start online. And by debate I mean the Trafalgar Square Christmas tree taking absolute pelters on Twitter.
Each year, the tree is delivered to London from Norway as a token of gratitude for help during World War II. This tradition stretches back to 1947, but over the past few Decembers, it’s become interwoven in London meme circles.
Basically, it gets rinsed. Here is the evidence this year.
Okay, some of the comments and memes dragging the poor thing are quite funny. But everyone has a right to defend themselves, even trees, right? Enter @TrafalgarsTree on Twitter, an account representing the tall Norwegian tree. It’s safe to say they have gone on a little rampage to defend the Trafalgar Square festive stalwart, and quite frankly, some of the responses are even better than the original jokes. Let’s check out some of the highlights shall we?
First off, let’s introduce the account who simply just likes bigging up the TSCT. And who can blame them?
Well, duh!
Trafalgar Square Tree 🤝 Secret London
Some say the tree helped us compile our Christmas guides…
True, I guess…
I wish my parcels were delivered by catapult, to be quite honest with you!
I’ll go out on a limb and say you’re safe in this regard. Unless the pigeons suddenly morph into Trafalgar Squares woodpeckers
Would definitely watch a move about it, if that happened. So jot that down, screenwriters.
They’ve got a point…
Okay, they’re really speaking my language here
It was a rough journey, but the tree is recovering
Couple of paracetamols, a berocca, and warm flannel and the tree will be right as rain.
A measured response…
They’re even out here rating other trees!
Common courtesy goes for trees too
Please don’t leaf us like this.
Looks like the Trafalgar Square Tree has won people over already!
Pint of Carling sapling for me please, boss. Signing off for another Christmas on the square in style. Good tidings to you, tree.
Not got your tree yet? Chop chop, it’s December 1! Why not use this service that gives to charity or this sustainable delivery website?