Within the hallowed halls of Tate Britain, one of their unmissable exhibitions spotlights the incredible women who’ve championed a world that has historically belittled their talents. Now You See Us: Women Artists In Britain (1520–1920) focuses on defiance—a rallying anthology from female artists who dared to exist, to create, and demanded recognition.
The women artists on display span four centuries, with must-see pieces that’ve carved out awe-inspiring cultural significance, despite coming from a time when male counterparts often relegated female creatives to the margins of the community.
The exhibition breaks down the stereotypes that once labelled women artists as amateurs. Determined to break the ceiling, and refusing to be confined by societal boundaries, these artists managed to help women gain equal access to art training and academy membership, all while overcoming numerous obstacles to establish themselves as masters of their respective styles.
From one of the most influential Neoclassical artists Angelica Kauffman, to the renowned Elizabeth Butler, famed for her powerful historical paintings, there’s a stellar selection of artists on display throughout.
Expect jaw-dropping history pieces and battle scenes, revolutionary nudes and portraiture, plus so much more at this must-see exhibition on its way to one of London’s most beloved galleries.
Now You See Us will feature over 150 works, making it one of the most impressive collections of works by British women artists to date. It will be on display at the Tate Britain until 13 October 2024.
Tickets cost £20 with concessions available. Or, become a Member to gain free access without needing to book. For more information and tickets, click here to visit Tate Britain’s website.
If you’re looking for more exhibitions in London that celebrate women artists, check our our female-focused round-up by clicking here or the link below.
📍 You can find Tate Britain at Millbank, London SW1P 4RG. Nearest station is Pimlico.