As soon as the mercury nudges 35°C, get thyself to London Cocktail Club.
So, we’ve established there’s a fearsome heatwave in our immediate future. Now, there’s just the small matter of how to occupy your time without collapsing into a puddle of sweat. Luckily, the London Cocktail Club have a rather nice plan in place – for the higher the mercury rises, the cheaper their piña coladas will get. And you know you’re going to be thirsty!
Billed as the ‘Heat Rave’, all London Cocktail Club sites are partaking in this revelry of rum, with the stakes raising in line with the temperature. At 25°C – which my phone tells me should have happened by Monday afternoon – their piña coladas will plummet to £5 in price. By the time the mercury touches 30°C (approximately lunchtime tomorrow, just FYI), you’ll be able to grab two for £5.
But the creme de la creme arrives in the scorching climes of 35°C, when the bar will start handing out free piña coladas. Since Thursday is currently tracking for 37°C, that means Thirsty Thursdays are about to get a lot cheaper! Every London Cocktail Club will have a thermometer fixed to the door, so as soon as you see the temperature cross that magic mark, go nab yourself a free bev.
(In other important news, they also have air conditioning.)
Featured image: @londoncocktailclub