Whenever I get gloomy at the state of the world, I think about the fact that every year, the cobbled streets of Leadenhall Market are lined with enthusiastic Londoners, ready to have some flippin’ wholesome fun at the annual Leadenhall Market Pancake Race. Yes, it really is a thing.
This year is the 16th year of the annual Shrove Tuesday event is set to be bigger and better batter than ever. Taking place on Tuesday, March 4 at 12.30pm; teams of four will compete in a 20m relay race in a bid to win the coveted Golden Frying Pan. Oooh.
Credit: @leadenhallmarket via IG
The race will be hosted by beloved Leadenhall local pub, The Lamb Tavern. Much-loved market personality, Charlie from the London City Shoe Shine Co, will be providing a running commentary.
The winning foursome will secure their place in Leadenhall history and have their names inscribed on the highly sought-after Golden Frying Pan. The pan will then be proudly displayed behind the bar of the Lamb Tavern for the remainder of the year. So yes, it’s a pretty big deal.
The first-place team will also be the lucky recipients of a Lamb Tavern hamper, but if you’re not on the winning team, who gives a crepe? Because the second place team will get their hands on a £50 bar tab, whilst the third-placers will win a bottle of prosecco.
The last place team also won’t be forgotten, as they will win the yummy consolation prize of one of the famous Lamb Tavern scotch eggs to share between the four of them. Each competitor will also get a free pancake to give them an extra bit of fuel for the big race.
The Leadenhall Market Pancake Race is free to enter but you must register in teams of four beforehand. register to take part here.