Finally, a chance to park your ass on the most famous sofa in television!
Sitting is, in my humble opinion, one of the most underrated activities known to humankind. To do so in style requires an iconic seat – perchance a big iron throne – and handily, one of TV’s most iconic seats is coming to London this month. The squashy orange sofa from Friends, having spent ten happy years in Central Perk, is embarking on a post-retirement world tour, with a London date booked in for September 22nd.
Well technically it’s not the exact sofa that Monica, Chandler, Ross, Rachel, Phoebe, and Joey spent an impossible amount of time on (seriously, how could they afford to live in New York when they never spent any time at work?), but rather one of thirty replicas. They’ll be springing up across the world, in cities like Paris, Madrid, New York, and Buenos Aires, and at landmarks like the Grand Canyon and Stonehenge. Quite the gap year, isn’t it?
The sofas are appearing to mark twenty-fifth years since Friends first aired on TV: September 22nd, 1994. Yes, that’s a quarter of a century, and no, we can’t believe it either. You’ll find two of them in London – one outside the London Eye (where it’ll presumably remain nice and inconspicuous) and the other on Abbey Road (although presumably not on that zebra crossing). The only downside is that you won’t be granted ten seasons of lovable wisecracking, coffee-sipping, and low-key romantic dramas, as the sofas are only in town for the day. Grab a seat whilst you can!
Featured image: @friends