We’ve seen it Greenwich Painted Hall. It’s popped up at the Kensington and Chelsea festival. Luke Jerram’s famed floating earth installation, otherwise known as Gaia, magically appeared in London again just over a week ago, but sadly it’s already almost time to bid it adieu.
Where this time, I hear you ask: Where art thou now, floating earth? It’s landed in Canary Wharf this time – hovering over the River Thames, no less, with the galaxy of skyscrapers and bright lights gazing down upon it.
Gaia appeared out of nowhere just last week in what could be seen as a big bang moment, wowing passers by settling in the waters. Artist Luke Jerram’s – who is also behind the dreamy Museum Of The Moon model – floating earth is back with us as part of the Canary Wharf Lights Festival.
You’ll find Gaia just outside the Canary Wharf tube station, making it the perfect place, pre-or-post-commute, to stop and have a second to reflect before heading back into the hectic crowds. Or, you know, capture a flashy shot for the ‘gram or some A1 footage for TikTok.
Over the years, Gaia has been on quite the world tour – stopping off everywhere from Beijing to Oslo to Rochdale, and it doesn’t look like slowing down anytime soon with upcoming dates in Edmonton, Exeter, and Adelaide.
Seven metres in diameter and using 120dpi detailed NASA imagery of the Earth’s surface, giving watchers on a view of the planet in a large scale. It’s message is that Earth should be cherished and taken care of during the climate crisis.
Gaia can be found at Canary Wharf now. Find out more about Luke Jerram’s piece and view future tour dates here.