Because Christmas Eve is the real deal. A day filled with festive spirit, prosperity and so much anticipation, only Christmas Eve could bring the feels that it does. Not quite on board with that idea? Let me persuade you…
1. The anticipation for Santa to come
No matter how old you are, there’s a magic in the thought that Santa’s on his way to put smiles on the faces of children around the globe. So much so, that I, a 30-year-old womanchild, barely get any sleep that night. And you know what? I’m not even ashamed.
2. Everyone’s nice to each other because the Christmas spirit hasn’t worn them down yet
At this point, we’re all still saying ‘Merry Christmas’ to every stranger who passes and not emotionally drained from hanging out with the family for too long. That’s all still to come…
3. The drinks at the pub
There’s no pint quite like the one with mates on Christmas Eve. The pub is bustling, the festive spirit is at an all-time high, and it’s generally the best night out of the year. Yes, your head may not thank you on Christmas Day, but come on! You’d be a fool to miss the legendary Christmas Eve comradery down the local.
4. You can have the Christmas you want without the pressure of ‘Christmas Day’
We might have to spend Christmas Day with the family we were born with, but on Christmas Eve, there’s no pressure and we can do whatever we wish with whoever we choose. Fancy a friendsmas? Want a quiet one with your significant other? Christmas Eve’s got ya back.
5. The thought of tomorrow’s Christmas dinner keeps the day exciting
Oh boy, it’s time. Come to Mama, turkey.
6. It’s only the start of the festivities
There are two whole sweet, sweet (bank holi)days after Christmas Eve to fill your boots with festive food, drink, and more food. The fun starts now: let the games commence!
7. You can eat what you want
Without feeling any post-Christmas remorse for it, because guess what, it’s not quite Christmas yet. You need to warm up properly for the big one, too. I don’t want to see any leftovers – that’ll just take up the fridge space needed for the post-Christmas Day meal scraps.
8. And most things that were being ‘saved for Christmas’ can finally be opened
Ssh, Mum, it’s Christmas now – I’m having a bloody mince pie. No one can stop me. It’s open season on the pies.
9. You see everybody…
Christmas Eve is about everybody, not just your immediate family. For some, it’s the one time of year we actually see the extended family, and some years we find that… actually quite nice? Depending on how high our Christmas spirit is, of course.