Londoners will flock together to name this adorable baby raven.
Few places in our capital are as rich in history as the great Tower Of London. Where else can you gaze upon parts of the grounds–The White Tower–that date all the way back to the 1070s, with William the Conqueror as their creator? The very same building is said to be where the infamous Guy Fawkes was interrogated for his gunpowder plot. Plus, you know, the crown jewels are stored in the Tower, guarded by the legendary Yeoman Wardens aka beefeaters.
So, it’s a great shame that the majestic spot has been forced to close, like many of London’s historic and cultural landmarks. But, all that is set to change, come May 19. And, to mark the Tower’s reopening on this day, after it’s longest period of closure since the second world war, a special celebration is in order.
Londoners will have the chance to name the newest member of its family: a baby raven. You wouldn’t want to miss a chick there, would you? This new arrival, born in March is subject of a vote between May 4-18 to decide on its title. The adorable bird will take on the moniker of Florence, Matilda, Branwen, Brontë or Winifred. (Go team Brontë).
What a gift eh? It’s certainly in keeping with the Tower’s longstanding history, too; given the legend that says if the ravens leave, the kingdom falls. Luckily, four new raven arrivals were born in March, taking the raven family tally up to nine, so there’s no chance of any superstitions coming true any time soon! Along with her brother Edgar – named after Edgard Allen Poe – the nameless bird will stick around the tower, with her other siblings heading to live outside of the London.
You can cast your vote for the baby raven’s name here. Visitors will find out the winning name as part of the Tower’s reopening on May 19.