Prepare for cuteness overload.
London Zoo knows how to capture the hearts of the public during these scary times. Two baby otters have made their first public appearance, following their birth during the lockdown.
This week, as London Zoo reopened, proud first-time parents Pip and Tilly walked them out of their indoor holt to make their debut. The otter pups—named Bubble and Squeak—were born on April 15, while the zoo was closed to the public.
During the first months of their life, it’s important to let them bond with their parents with no human interaction. Vets at the zoo haven’t even been able to give them a health check. So, because of this, the sex of the pair is still unknown!
ZSL London Zoo senior zookeeper Laura Garrett said: “Bubble and Squeak caused so much excitement when they arrived in April: the first animals born at the Zoo during lockdown, they boosted the morale of our hard-working zookeeper team and everyone has been waiting eagerly for them to emerge from their holt ever since.
“We set up cameras to monitor their progress, and were overjoyed when we spotted Pip and Matilda finally carrying them outside – otter pups don’t leave the family holt for at least the first six weeks of their lives, so they’re perfectly on schedule.
“Both Pip and Matilda are very paws-on parents and have been devoted to their pups, barely leaving their side.”
London Zoo was forced to close its doors to the public during the coronavirus lockdown. It has revealed heavy financial trouble as a result, leading to a fundraising campaign that Sir David Attenborough is at the forefront of. However, now that the public is allowed back in—albeit at limited capacity—the baby otters will hopefully put a smile back on people’s faces.
Laura Garret added: “We’re so pleased that the Zoo has reopened in time for the public to see the whole family start to playfully explore together on their private riverbank.”
You can read more about the arrival of Bubble and Squeak here.
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