The competition is fierce, and the looks are fiercer at The Bingo Ball.
I imagine that by now, you’re doing everything possible to retain your sanity: baking for your sanity, knitting for your sanity, watching endless TV runs for your sanity. But have you ever lip synced for your sanity? Well, not until you’ve joined The Bingo Ball, you haven’t. Offering madcap fun and crazy bingo adventures, it’s one of the best ways we’ve found to pass the time – and you can find tickets here.
London drag legend Orange Gina leads The Bingo Ball, where each number isn’t just a step closer to victory, it’s also a gateway to adventure. Whether it launches a crazy competition, a chance encounter with your fellow Zoom participants, or – in the event that a number ending in a 4 is pulled from Gina’s Ball Bag, a session of ‘Lip-Sync for Your Sanity’, there’s never a dull moment here.
Oh, and whilst there are naturally prizes for filling out lines and getting a full house, that’s not the best part of The Bingo Ball. No, that would be the fact that proceeds from every sale are being donated to an emergency fund that helps vulnerable people through the pandemic. Now that’s a bingo session we can all get behind!