2021 will see back-to-back supermoons!
A full moon always gets some people talking. But a supermoon, well, they tend to attract a whole lot more attention and for good reason too – they’re super-freaking amazing to see and this year, we get two!
A supermoon, or rather a full moon that coincides with the moon’s closest orbital point (called the perigee) to Earth, is actually 30 percent brighter in the night sky and 14 percent larger than when the moon is at its apogee—the furthest point from Earth. In other words, the moon looks wow and it makes for some great shots, even for amateur photographers.
The first of 2021’s supermoons, which are normally spaced fourteen months apart, will take place on April 26, while the second will occur on May 26. However, this second supermoon will actually be overshadowed by an even bigger astronomical event: a total lunar eclipse. It’ll also appear blood-red in the sky as it’s obscured by the Earth’s shadow.
This month’s supermoon will begin at around 6:45pm, but is expected to reach its peak around 4:31am BST, according to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. For the best views of the two supermoons, and views of the stars on the regular, it’s always recommended to head to places with as little light pollution as possible. If you’re living in the city, finding dark skies can be a little difficult. But to help you on your mission, use this light pollution map to guide your way.
You’re advised to get as high as possible if you’re hoping to spot a supermoon, and you’d best hope for a cloudless night or this whole exercise is likely to have been in vain…