As awareness campaigns go, this one is the tits.
If you happened to wander around Shoreditch yesterday or today, you may have noticed something odd perched atop a few buildings. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nope, it’s a giant inflatable boob, just casually hanging out amongst the London skyline.
Yes, we’re just as aware as you that Shoreditch is already full of complete tits, so it perhaps didn’t need any more. Still, the boobs are out in force for a good cause: it’s an awareness campaign run by female-focused tech company Elvie, who aim to smash taboos through technology.
They’re getting a helping hand from the massive mammaries, the aim of which is to further destigmatise breast feeding in public – a campaign cleverly dubbed #FreeTheFeed. As Elvie put it, the campaign “is an invitation to everyone to stand with all those women that have felt shamed or confined when breastfeeding or pumping”. Amen!
There are five boobs (in varying sizes and skin tones) dotted around town: at Columbia Road, Village Underground, Ely’s Yard, Bethnal Green Road, and Shoreditch Grind. Standing silently, watchful guardians of the city, they are pretty unmissable. Just to keep you abreast of developments, they’re only making a fleeting visit – by the morning, these boobs will be gone. Hopefully, the sentiment behind them will live longer in the memory.
Visit Elvie’s Instagram page, or #FreeTheFeed, to find out more about the campaign.
Featured image: @piller21