The siren-call of a thousand pubs across the land – the sound of a lone piano introducing a drunken chorus wailing “I sit and wait, does an angel contemplate my fate?” – has been answered. Robbie Williams is going back on tour to celebrate 25 years of pop-chanteur success. And he’s bringing only his biggest and best-est hits along with him.
Across the month of October, the tour will hit London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, and Dublin. And you know he’s only playing in the arenas. Nothing but the best for a celebration of the best – since the tour is accompanying an all-new greatest hits collection. ‘XXV‘ marks Robbie Williams’ third greatest hits collection in a career spanning thirteen studio albums, and countless more live, compilation, and B-side releases.
For the release, Williams has re-recorded his favourite songs with all new orchestration, in conjunction with the Metropole Orkest. And he couldn’t resist adding in a little something new. Standard editions of the LP will include new track, ‘Lost’, while the deluxe edition features three more original compositions. Pre-orders of the LP made before June 14 will give fans access to the tour pre-sale on June 15. Tickets will then go on sale to the general public on June 17.
Personally, the most important thing I got from all of this was Robbie Williams has released a new version of ‘Angels’. And will release a new version of ‘Kids’! Will Kylie Minogue be back to lend her voice to the new version? We can only cross our fingers and hope.
XXV will be released on September 9.