The end is on the horizon for Jurassic World: The Exhibition. Don’t worry, there are no incoming asteroids burning through the sky or fiery fates for the prehistoric creatures, just an end to the epic exhibition’s time in London. It will be closing on January 15, and we all know the Christmas and New Year holidays can pass by in a blink of an eye so you might want to get your tickets booked now. Not only will the kids love it, but adults will enjoy a trip down memory lane to the first moment they saw those giant gates swing open on the screen. But, just in case you somehow need even more incentive to visit, we’ve thought of five reasons why you can’t miss Jurassic World: The Exhibition.
1. Incredible dinosaur animatronics
There would be no Jurassic World without the prehistoric beasts that roam Isla Nublar, and they are brought to life in spectacular lifesize fashion at this immersive exhibition. Every scale, fang, talon and guttural bellow has been amazingly recreated so you’ll feel like you have stumbled through the screen into the park itself. You’ll encounter the cloud-brushing brachiosaurus, his swaying head and wrinkled neck gazing down on you from neck-craning heights, and you’ll shudder under the icy gaze of the Indominous Rex, where everything from his fangs to his unsettling roar will send a shudder down your spine. When you steel your nerves and tiptoe a little closer you’ll be able to see the fascinating detail and artistry that goes into making them so lifelike.
2. Fun for the kids and a nostalgic experience for the adults
The exhibition is fun for all ages. While kids and their wild imaginations will find it easier to get lost in the wondrous world, any adult who’s seen the franchise and followed the adventures of Alan Grant and co. won’t be able to resist getting sucked into the spectacle of it all. It’ll be like stepping into the characters’ no doubt mud-flecked boots for the day as you wander through the gargantuan gates and lay eyes on giant water-rippling favourites. If you’re there with your kids you can enjoy the experience together; you’ll love seeing their eyes light up at all the adorable baby dinos held by handlers around the exhibit – just make sure you have your phone at the ready for a pic.
3. Lots of irresistible photo opportunities
Speaking of pics this is one place that’ll be certain to juice up your Instagram feed. Aside from the obvious shots of dinosaurs peeking out from prehistoric plant life (or banged up shipping containers – look out, Stiggy the head-butting Stygimoloch will be bearing her horns) and the amber-trapped mosquitos you’ll find in Hammonds Lab, there will be photo opportunities that plunge you right into a scene from the films. You can clamber into a gyrosphere and relive that heart-stopping moment when the Indominous Rex attacked the ball with powerful glass-crushing force – make sure to prepare your best scared-out-of-your-mind face for the perfect shot. Alternatively, for something slightly more kid-friendly, why not grab a family pic with a wide-eyed baby dino? Or, if you have the guts you could try and capture the raptors on camera, just don’t lean too close to the enclosure, after all, they are clever girls.
4. A climactic end that will get your heart racing
The exhibition doesn’t end in a lacklustre whimper, more like an ear-piercing, heart-drumming, sweat-inducing bang. We don’t want to give away too many of the details, but let’s just say this is where any laughter about that tiny-arm-big-head ratio of the Tyrannosaurus Rex will catch in your throat, as once you see those massive jaws release a goosebump-inducing roar and the cold beady eyes lock onto you you’re a goner. The queen of the prehistoric has a fittingly climactic entrance, with live actors, flashing lights and special effects ensuring a show-stopping finale to your visit.
5. There are only a few weeks left to visit
Like any good thriller knows and utilises to dramatic effect, time waits for no man. Unfortunately, this is also the case with Jurassic World: The Exhibition which will be finishing on January 15. What better reason to book tickets now than the fact that it will be gone very soon and you won’t get another chance to go? With amazing animatronics, immersive special effects and otherworldly sets it is a must for any fan that has always dreamt of seeing dinosaurs up close like never before.