Party like the Targaryens of old at Rave of Thrones.
Just like your average Londoner, even warring kings and queens locked in an endless battle for a metal chair need a break sometimes. Handily, help is at hand with the arrival of this immersive Game of Thrones rave, heading to Brixton this April. Rave of Thrones (because honestly, what else could you possibly call it?) is a well-established event, but for the London spot they’re going even bigger, in honour of show’s final series – and tickets are available here. You’ll find it at Electric Brixton on April 26th, along with a very familiar face…
Irish DJ Kristian Nairn may know his way around the decks from twenty years of spinning house tunes, but he’s better known to the rest of us as GoT fan favourite Hodor. Instead of holding the door (too soon?), he’ll be bringing the party tunes to Rave of Thrones, mixing up classic house and dance favourites. Apparently, regular attendees of Nairn’s events implore him to drop the beat in Dothraki (confusing, since Hodor doesn’t speak Dothraki, but we’ll roll with it) – “aranat oqo” is reportedly the phrase you need if you want to join in.
Electric Brixton is set to undergo a radical makeover to turn it into the Kings Landing party pit we all expect. A replica castle will take centre stage, and there’s set to be a battle between fire and ice, as flamethrowers and blizzards foretell the dragons-versus-White Walkers showdown we all hope to see this season.
Rave of Thrones are inviting some lookalikes along for the night, so don’t be surprised to see Daenarys and Jon Snow rubbing shoulders with us commonfolk. Meanwhile, bands of Wildlings and knights of the Kingsguard are on the guestlist, so impromptu sword fights are a distinct possibly.
The event is also promising “secret side events”, and the very thing everyone’s after: the Iron Throne. You’ll have the chance to assume your rightful place as King/Queen of Brixton, and first of your name, during the night. Although it does make me wonder: wouldn’t it be so much simpler if Game of Thrones just held a dance-off in Season 8 to decide who wins the throne?