Want to watch the fireworks in London on New Year’s Eve?
Hey, it’s good to be prepared. London’s spectacular NYE firework display is the crowning glory of year end celebrations, and tickets will set you back a mere £10. You won’t be able to rock up on the night and buy them, either – so getting them in advance is your only option. The initial batch of tickets go on sale tomorrow (September 27th) from midday – they’re only available using this link, and you can book up to four tickets per person.
The New Year’s Eve Fireworks give you the chance to see the UK’s largest fireworks display in all their explosive glory, and sing a rousing chorus of Auld Lang Syne too. Plus, there are at least five excellent reasons why you should definitely make the effort to get out and see the show…
1. Big Ben will chime again!
London hasn’t been quite the same without the joyful sound of bells/hourly reminder that you’re ageing (depending on your viewpoint). But NYE 2019 affords a now-rare opportunity to hear ol’ Ben make some noise – and things are looking especially spiffy after a spring facelift. Savour these moments, because they won’t come around much until restoration work is completed in 2021.
2. You’ll get some incredible pictures.
Can you think of a better way to start 2020 than by filling up your Instagram feed with an endless parade of colourful snapshots? Sure, you could start the year with a juice cleanse or giving up chocolate, but this is much easier and won’t cost you any of your sanity.
3. You can (probably) get home for free.
For the past couple of years, TfL has given every Londoner a belated Christmas present by making their entire transport network free to ride between 23:45 on NYE, and 4:30am on January 1st. And yet, despite this generous gift, I still elected to pay to ride a Boris Bike from Kilburn to Stockwell, for reasons I still don’t fully comprehend. Anyway, we’re keeping our fingers crossed they might be so generous again this year, which would leave you with literally no excuse to stay home.
4. There’s nothing worse than a New Year’s Eve without plans.
Few things are worse than sitting at home in your pyjamas, scrolling through Facebook to see everyone making merry as 2019 slips away. Take it from us!
5. It’s the last good thing about winter.
Oh sure, it’s all fun and games when the leaves fall, the Christmas lights go up, and the sound of carols makes commuting marginally less joyless. But when you wake up with a New Year’s Day hangover, you’ll have officially reached the tipping point when winter goes from charming to wearisome. January is going to be a long, cold slog, but at least you’ll make some happy memories to sustain you, right?