If you’re thinking that your morning coffee is getting more and more expensive, then you’re definitely not going crazy. There’s a bar in London slinging ’em for the eye-watering price of £265! And, no – there is no decimal point missing there.
According to Fresh Ground, the average price for a cup of Joe in the UK is around £3.40, with plenty of spots in the capital superseeding this and then some. If you bought a coffee every working day of the year (approximately 252) and took way a further 25 days for holidays and missed coffees, you’d be spending around £772 a year on your cups of coffee. Shot, a speciality coffee bar in Mayfair are asking you to fork out more than a third of that annual total in one clean swoop, so you best believe they reckon it tastes pretty damn good.
This makes it what is gathered to be the most expensive cup of coffee in the whole of Britain.
Why is this the most expensive coffee around?
Why come here instead of forking out less than a fiver at your local café? According to a report in The Daily Telegraph, Shot serve up the coffee sourced from island of the Okinawa, known for its residents leading long lives due to their healthy diet and the beauty of the surroundings.
The beans are Japanese Typica, and the menu description reads: “The Kishimoto family have produced this exquisite coffee on Okinawa island since 2015. This coffee is reflective of the deeply held Japanese value of striving for perfection. Bright acidity and fruity, juicy notes.”
If you’re desperate to visit Shot but are (understandably) hesitant about parting with almost £300 on a cup, they do have some cheap(er) options, such as a £70 cup of Sumatra Wild Kopi Luwak, which is said to be “earthy, musty with hints of caramel and chocolate”.
If you fancy tasting the most “expensive coffee in Britain” then Shot Mayfair is where you should be heading. Just give your bank balance a chance to recover from the dent afterwards.
Check out Shot Mayfair over at their website.