As Christmas Day approaches, the festive spirit has taken over our office chatter, and we couldn’t wait any longer to dive into the interesting topic of Christmas traditions. Every family in London, just like yours, paints the season with their own colours and rituals, some more traditional and others perhaps more quirky. That’s why we turned the spotlight on you, our wonderful Londoners, to share your special Christmas traditions that make this time of year a truly magical one.
1. “My family always have sushi for Christmas”
I mean, why not?
2. “Since my family is from Venezuela every Christmas we make hallacas. It feels like home far away from home”
3. “We like decorating the Christmas tree the morning of the 24 while watching Home Alone”
If there’s a definition for Christmas, we think this might be it.
4. “Every year my family gets together to make gingerbread houses”
We have this one on our Christmas bucket list, let us know how it turned out.
5. “One word…PATÉ”
6. “Christmas isn’t Christmas if we don’t go to a candlelit concert“
Ignite a new Christmas tradition with these Candlelight holiday concerts:
7. “We fill each other’s stockings with things we get in a supermarket sweep for up to a value of £15 and open them before even getting out of bed”
8.”It’s not Christmas until we watch the entire Harry Potter movies together”
9.“Every November we pick a theme for Christmas and then dress for it”
This is such a great tradition, we should definitely impliment it for next year’s Christmas party.
10. “We usually play Christmas Murder Mystery written by my grandpa”
11. “My absolute must on christmas morning is that every stocking has to have a terry’s chocolate orange in it”
Lowkey, Terry’s chocolate orange for the WIN.
12. “Where I live all local farmers decorate their tractors in Christmas lights to raise money for a local charity and they drive down the streets blasting Christmas music“
This has to be one of our favourite submissions — no lie!
13. “When we were kids we always opened a Christmas present at midnight — a tradition that continues to this day”
14. “Jamaican Sorrel is a MUST in our house”
Love Jamaican Sorrel? Then, check out these Caribbean restaurants in London for a full tropical Christmas experience.
15. “In my house Christmas Eve is synonymous with brand new PJs and Christmas with oranges and bananas in our stockings”
16. “We celebrate by poppin’ a bottle of prosecco with breakfast“
Prosecco, mulled wine, wine, bucks fizz, beer, you name it… we’ll have it all.
17. “We love lighting up the day by making Christmas parols together”
18. “A Christmas must in my house is going for a long frosty walk with a flask of Baileys hot choc followed by pancakes“
Baileys hot chocolate followed by pancakes is what heaven is made of, we are sure of it!