With summer around the corner, the London weather forecast sees the mercury rising.
What with everything else going on the in world recently, I hadn’t really noticed that a chilly spring has suddenly given way to a rather lovely bout of May weather. And whilst it’s easy to regard a day of glorious sunshine without a beer garden to enjoy it in as a cruel form of punishment, lockdown is making us thankful for the little pleasures in life, including the London weather. To whit, we’re in for 27°C sunshine this week, as the spring weather takes a decidedly summery turn – which means the prospect of unlimited exercise is suddenly looking a little more appealing.
Whilst you must of course continue to practice social distancing rules and follow the lockdown guidelines, the sunny weather means that government-approved sunbathing sessions are likely to be in vogue this week. Whilst Tuesday to Thursday are looking rosy for sustained temperatures of 24 degrees and above, it’s Wednesday that marks the high point of the sunny spell, with the BBC forecasting that magical 27°C mark.
The Met Office, The Weather Channel, and AccuWeather all plump for 26°C on Wednesday, a reasonable degree of certainty which indicates we’re in for one of the best weather days of the year thus far. However, whilst Thursday is still set to be warm, the possibility of thunderstorms is appearing on plenty of weather forecasts – so if you’re planning a sunbathing sesh, pencil in a long lunch hour for Wednesday. If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, I’d suggest moving your WFH setup outside, but if you are venturing out into the park, remember to stay two metres apart from others and wash your hands whenever possible.