It takes a lot to get us out of bed and into our gym leggings, but we’ll do anything for kittens. Even yoga.
It’s what we’ve all been waiting for: the wholesome pairing of fitness and fluffs. Taking place on March 3 across four different sessions, you’ll be able to downward dog beside at least eight adorable kittens.
The kittens in attendance will range from eight weeks to six months old. Leo, the oldest of the bunch, is a beautiful Bengal, and he is incredibly friendly and playful. We don’t know much more than that at this point, but what we do know is that Kitten Yoga sounds like a pretty purrfect Sunday activity.
The following week, on March 10, Pets Yoga are also hosting Baby Rabbit Yoga, so it’s pretty fair to say that the gym can suck it: these guys are all I need to keep me fit and healthy. Better hop to it and get your tickets before they sell out!
Speaking of which, Puppy Yoga is also a thing, but alas, all the tickets were all fetched pretty quickly. (It’s probably worth following this Facebook page anyway, just in case they announce extra dates.)
Tickets for Kitten Yoga cost £35 and can be purchased here. The precise location is currently top secret but it’s somewhere in London and will be sent to customers via email three weeks before the event.