Tell us your favourite London sights and you could win the gift of sight!
Any contact lens wearer knows that those little miracles of sight are an expense that we’d all rather live without. They’re a sadly unavoidable spend, if we want to be able to see more than a blurred, fuzzy, Monet-painting view of the world. So, when someone says there’s a year’s supply of contact lenses going free—we all pay attention.
Vision Direct a.k.a our personal heroes, Guardians of the Sight, and friends to those seeking vision correction are offering five lucky people the chance to win a year’s worth of their prescription contact lenses completely free! Want in? Then you’d better focus.
To enter this unbelievable competition, head straight to our Secret London Instagram page and find the Vision Direct post on our grid. Then, have a quick think about what your three favourite London sights are and pop them in a comment on the post and who knows, maybe you’ll win an entire year’s worth of contacts! Make sure you’re following both Secret London and Vision Direct’s Insta pages too!
From the London Eye to the Royal Observatory you can pick absolutely any buildings, locations and landmarks that you find to be visually appealing. And don’t worry, you’re not restricted to the sights that form some sort of terrible pun about vision (that’s just how eye roll…sorry). It could just as well be the Barbican, the Shard, or the Natural History Museum that takes your breath away!
If you win, we’ll contact you via Instagram and put you in touch with the lovely people at Vision Direct who will help you get set up with your year’s subscription of free lenses. Whether you’re a dailies kind of person or you prefer a monthly lens, Vision Direct has you covered: a year’s supply is defined as either 24 x boxes of dailies, 8 x boxes of monthlies, or 8 x boxes of two weeklies. You’ll also be able to choose which brand of lenses you’d like from the huge range stocked on the Vision Direct shop.
It’s an incred-eye-ble prize— so don’t miss your chance to throw in your lot! To summarise, here’s what you need to do to enter this amazing competition:
- Follow BOTH @secret.london and @visiondirect
- Comment on this post with your THREE favourite London sights
And that’s it. It’s really that simple! Good luck folks and keep your eyes peeled – we’ll contact the winners via Instagram.
Plus, if today’s not your lucky day, don’t worry because you’re guaranteed a win with this exclusive discount for Secret London readers. Just use the code: SECRET at checkout and you’ll get two free trial packs of contact lenses— hey look, everyone’s a winner! Click here to pick up your free trial now.
Enter the competition via the Secret London Instagram page. T&Cs apply.