Bless me, father, for I have sinned. I covet delicious cocktails, am envious of those who drink them, and am greedy for even more boozy libations. I blame it all on Eve Bar, a wickedly tempting Covent Garden spot which invites you to repeatedly indulge in the three most fun of the seven deadly sins: greed, lust, and gluttony. The cocktails flow freely, and you’re invited to ‘resist everything except temptation’. Yeah, like we really needed an excuse…

Steering gleefully into the good versus evil theme, the whole bar is a neon-drenched, low-lit paean to indulgence, temptation, and original sin. Which is basically just the Holy Trinity of any good cocktail bar, really. Eve is decorated with stained glass windows, juicy red apples, and other cheeky little reminders of the perils of temptation.
Despite the knowing, ever-winking décor, Eve welcomes saints and sinners alike, whether they take a pew at the bar, or in their little underground bower, affectionately nicknamed ‘Eden’. Although as Adam and Eve once found out, it’s a difficult task to leave Eden… Maybe you should just stay?
On the menu at Eve Bar
The brainchild of feted chef Adam Handling – Adam and Eve, get it? – you’d have to have the willpower of a saint to resist the menu of bar snacks. The spread includes the likes of venison tartare with kimchi, bird liver and truffle tart, and even waffles and caviar. Oh, yeah, and sourdough with chicken butter. Yup, chicken butter. We’re not entirely sure how it works, but we want it!
Still, the main event here is to dive headfirst into the cocktail list, where every cocktail makes use of waste ingredients from the upstairs restaurant, Frog. And I’d love to tell you what’s in store, but a recent change to the menu has clouded everything in mystery! At the very least, they’re known to serve up classic serves, such as perfectly-executed martinis.
In the past their drinks have included the likes of the Adam’s Apple (gin, apple cordial, and Calvados), and the finely balanced Good & Evil, which mixes Reyka vodka, cream, cold brew coffee, maple syrup, and Fernet Branca. The themed menus have in the past drawn inspiration from the seven deadly sins, numerology, and various other aspects of the arcane world. You’re sure not going to be feeling too innocent when you leave…