Be a virtual tourist in your own city.
If you are starting to catch a little cabin fever and are beginning to miss exploring the streets of London, then Alex Lacey’s Global Tea Break might just be the answer to all of your quarantine prayers. Packed full of historical knowledge and bursting with cultural pearls of wisdom, Alex’s daily Instagram Live sessions will help you discover London from the safety and comfort of your sofa.
Alex is a London Blue Badge Tourist Guide and since the coronavirus outbreak occurred, she has been hosting daily Instagram Live sessions for people to tune into and find out a few fun facts and hidden histories about the city.
Happening at 3.00pm UK time, Alex’s history sessions come at the perfect time for a little afternoon cuppa: hence the name Global Tea Break. So why not whack the kettle on, grab a few biccies, sit down and learn something you probably never knew about London?
Lasting around 15-30 minutes each, Global Tea Break is ideal for that much needed afternoon pick-me-up and, considering Alex covers such a broad range of topics in these sessions, there is sure to be something to suit everyone.
From Monarch Mondays, which have already explored the likes of Edward the Confessor and William the Conqueror, to Women’s Wednesdays, which celebrate the likes of Mary Seacole, with Global Tea Break you can top up your general knowledge and learn more about your specific interests with just the click of a button.
Global Tea Break has also virtually hosted a bunch of brilliant guests, from black cab drivers to BBC weather women, you’ll find lots of interesting people appearing alongside Alex. Yesterday, for example, Moria Cameron, a beefeater from The Tower of London, went live to discuss one of London’s most iconic landmarks and all of the history and hidden secrets behind it.
So, if you’re stuck for something to make you feel a little less cooped up in the days of quarantine, then Alex’s Global Tea Breaks are likely to provide a welcome escape! From the secrets of Soho, to the history of kings and queens, tune in every day at 3pm for your daily history fix!