The cheesiest, carbiest day of the year arrives with Carbonara Day.
Forget about all those other themed food days; they’re in the pasta now. In your immediate future is a golden excuse to eat mountains of very delicious carbonara, guilt-free. It’s called Carbonara Day, and on July 20th, you’ll get the opportunity to see what it’s all about (carbonara, in case you didn’t guess). Get your tickets here, and then prepare yourself for an afternoon of pure, unadulterated indulgence.
Why is Carbonara Day going to be great? Well for starters, carb is right there in the name, so you know you’ll be waddling out of here once the day is done. Upon entry, you will of course be furnished with a carbonara dish (classic and vegetarian options are available), but that’s not the end of the fun. Six different carbonara variations will be whipped up by a range of international chefs and personalities, each vying to become Champion of Carbonara.
That means – deep breath – classic carbonara, vegetarian carbonara, carbonara salad, carbonara de Roma, carbonara scomposta, annnddd a second round of classic carbonara. Only one can be the Carbonara Champion though, and I have a sneaking suspicion they’ll be relying on your tastebuds to help crown the winner.
Your pasta feast has a charitable upside, too – by buying the Carbonara Sospesa, you’re paying for a meal you won’t eat. Instead, it’ll be donated to someone in the local community who can’t afford a meal, giving you a warm fuzzy feeling to match your bellyful of pasta, and the winner of the Carbonara Challenge will also make a donation. It all takes place at Mudchute Park & Farm, and honestly, I can’t think of anything better than lounging about in the sunshine and gorging on pasta all day long, knowing that you’re also helping the local community.