This atmospheric show has assembled a group of outrageously talented musicians to perform all your favourites from the world of rock, promising a magical acoustic twist on heart-wrenching ballads, headbanging metal riffs and bewitching melodies. Candlelight: Rock Classics on Strings will be taking place at Butcher’s Hall on January 26; blessing both the ears and eyes with a combination of gilded detailing, glittering crystal chandeliers and incredible live music.
As the rich harmonies of violins and the metallic timbre of cellos fill the venue, you’ll be sinking into your seat among a carpet of flickering candlelight that illuminates the grand space with a soft glow. The 60-minute experience features timeless tunes from The Who, Guns N’ Roses, David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Blondie and many more – just not like you’ve ever heard them before.
The setup is safe and socially-distanced, ensuring your comfort and peace of mind. All you need to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the mesmerising music. In times like these the show must go on, so round up your fellow starmen and killer queens, hop on the Rock ‘n’ Roll train and get ready for a night to remember.