A dual carriageway near Gatwick Airport is only slightly less enchanting than the scenery you’d expect to find surrounding a castle, right? Okay, perhaps Crawley isn’t quite the magical far-off kingdom we had sold to us in our storybooks. But if – like me – you imagine yourself taking to royal-life rather seamlessly – now might be the only chance you’ll ever get to snap up your very own castle. If you’ve got a spare million pound kicking about, that is.
Beaubush Castle is the picture-perfect pad, perched on the side of the A264 between Crawley and Horsham. Having started its life as the far less lavish (but slightly more in-keeping with the surroundings) Beaubush Cottage; the original property was bought in 2010 for just £290,000, and knocked down to make way for the castle that stands in its place today.
Boasting eight bedrooms, ten bathrooms, three separate annexes, and enough parking spaces to fit twelve cars; the castle has been put on the market multiple times over the past few years at various prices. In 2023, the property was priced at £3.2 million. In 2024, the asking price dropped rather substantially to £1.8 million. And now? Beaubush Castle is being auctioned off – and the guide price is just £1 million. That’s less than the average price of a flat in Chelsea. So a total bargain, as far as I’m concerned.
It’s certainly an eye-catchingly regal piece of real estate. And not one you’d expect to see slap bang in the middle of the commuter belt, that’s for sure. Outside, cast metal irons guard the entrance, Union Jacks flutter from the flagpoles, and a custom-made clock sits comfortably inside the the intricately-carved brickwork. And inside, we’re talking eccentric wallpaper and extravagant chandeliers. I mean, it is a castle, after all.
The auction will be taking place on February 12 and 13 – and potential buyers can book in for a snoop around the property before then. There is just one catch, however. A rather towering one. The castle wasn’t constructed according to the approved plans, and is subsequently four metres too high. Buyers will either need to somehow remove some of the height, or apply for suitable permission. If that’s a challenge you think you’re up to, all the auction details can be found here.